When you sign up for the BWA newsletter you will receive our bimonthly Mortgage Market Update e-mail, with valuable information and insight from our President and Broker Floyd Walters. With 30 years of experience in the mortgage industry, these updates always prove interesting and useful.
While fixed-rate loans are one of the most popular choices for mortgage loans, there is another choice: the adjustable-rate mortgage or ARM loan. If you’ve ever wondered what an ARM loan is or why anyone would want one, here is what you need to know
Jun 17, 2020 | Adjustable Rate Mortgages
Well it’s been almost three full months since the Covid-19 Crisis struck here in the US and in particular, in California. A lot has transpired in the world of mortgages. It’s been pretty daunting to keep up on all the changes but we’ve
Jun 15, 2020 |
Since the coronavirus outbreak began, millions of Americans have filed for unemployment. The resulting fear about being unable to pay for expenses has caused more than 3.5 million homeowners to apply for mortgage forbearance to date. That has put lenders
Jun 10, 2020 |
When you buy a home with a mortgage, you will be required to pay all sorts of insurance, including homeowner’s insurance, title insurance and private mortgage insurance. What are all these policies and why do you have to pay for them? Homeowner&rsq
Jun 03, 2020 |
The onset of the COVID-19 crisis has forced millions of Americans into unemployment, resulting in over 4.1 million homeowners applying for mortgage forbearance. There has been plenty of confusion about how the rules of forbearance – a payment deferr
May 27, 2020 | Refinancing a Home
As the COVID-19 pandemic has roiled stock markets over the past few months, many Americans in or nearing retirement may be worried about their investment portfolios. Without the possibility to earn more money, more retirees, seeing a reduction in their ne
May 20, 2020 | Reverse Mortgages